저희 한인교회는 미국 WCN 교회와 같은 교회이기 때문에 청소년들은 모두 WCN 교회의 Youth group 예배와 활동에 참여합니다. 저희 교회 청소년부 이름이 “Neighborhood”입니다 (문의: Pastor Grace Miller). 참고로, 저희 교회 모든 청소년부는 예배 후에 한글학교에 참여해서 한글과 한국문화를 함께 배웁니다

Welcome to

A community of students helping students find, know, love, and share Jesus.

Upcoming Events

See what’s happening in The Neighborhood this month by clicking the schedule below.

Sign up for events HERE!

Who We Are

If you are a student in 7th-12th grade, you belong in The Neighborhood! The Neighborhood is a community of students and leaders who learn together, serve together, and grow together.  

What We Do

During the week there are a variety of opportunities for you to jump into The Neighborhood.

  • nightLIFE- During the school year, all grades will meet together on Sunday nights, at 5:00 pm. At nightLIFE, we worship together through song and lesson. Afterward, we break out into small groups where we dive deeper into what the Lord has for us. Through small groups, we see how the lesson applies to our life, while also challenging ourselves for the days to come, and encouraging each other throughout life. No nightLIFE in December!

  • Youth Groups - Every Wednesday at 7:00 pm, during the school year, we intentionally plan games, hang out, sometimes do homework, and partake in small Bible studies. This is with the intention of building relationships with people inside and outside of the church while also experiencing the love God has for us.

  • Connection Group - Every Sunday, The Neighborhood gathers at 9:30 am for Connection Group. During Connection Group, you can expect to take a deep look into God’s Word and discover new insights into God’s story for your life.

How To Connect

The Neighborhood Student Profile: Help us get to know you by clicking the button below

Parent Connection

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